Title IX
Title IX is a federal law that prohibits sex-based discrimination in all activities and programs of educational institutions receiving federal funds, which includes Charles County Public Schools (CCPS). Prohibited sex-based discrimination includes discrimination based on gender, gender identity, or pregnancy. It also includes sexual harassment and sexual assault. Inquiries should be made to a school-based Title IX coordinator, Ms. Katrina Spriggs, school counselor, at kspriggs@ccboe.com, or Ms. Evelyn Zalasar, school psychologist, at ezalasar@ccboe.com. Either staff members can also be reached by calling the school at 301-753-1749. Information regarding the process for filing a sexual misconduct complaint and/or supportive measures, can be found on the CCPS website at: Superintendents-Rule-Title-IX-Procedure_1.pdf (finalsite.net)
The Charles County public school system does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age or disability in its programs, activities or employment practices. For inquiries, please contact Dr. Mike Blanchard, Title IX/ADA/Section 504 Coordinator (students) or Nikial M. Majors, Title IX/ADA/Section 504 Coordinator (employees/adults), at Charles County Public Schools, Jesse L. Starkey Administration Building, P.O. Box 2770, La Plata, MD 20646; 301-932-6610/301-870-3814. For special accommodations call 301-934-7230or TDD 1-800-735-2258 two weeks prior to the event. CCPS provides nondiscriminatory equal access to school facilities in accordance with its Use of Facilities rules to designated youth groups (including, but not limited to, the Boy Scouts).